Linux Device Drivers

Linux Device Drivers

Character drivers
IO & Memory
Linux Kernel
Process Management
Process Address space

Linux Scheduler
Memory Management
System Calls
Kernel Synchronization
Linux Inter Process Communications

Serial Ports
Parallel Ports
Introduction to Hardware
Linux Timers
DMA in Linux
Linux Threads
Linux Thread Synchronization

Linux Multi Threading
Debugging in Linux
GDB GNU Debugger
KDB Kernel Debugger
KGDB Kernel GNU Debugger
Example Ethernet Driver

The kdb Kernel Debugger

The kdb Kernel Debugger


The kernel developers occasionally use interactive debugging tools. One such tool is the kdbbuilt-in kernel debugger, available as a nonofficial patch from To use kdb, you must obtain the patch (be sure to get a version that matches your kernel version),

apply it, and rebuild and reinstall the kernel. One you are running a kdb-enabled kernel, there are couple of ways to enter the debugger. Hitting the Pause (or Break) key on the console will start up the debugger. kdbalso starts up when a kernel oops happens, or when a breakpoint is hit.


You will see a message that looks something like this:

Entering kdb(0xc1278000) on processor 1 due to Keyboard Entry




Getting and Installing KDB


KDB patches for Linux are available from


ü     Download the kernel patch required for your kernel version.

ü     Copy unzipped patch file to Linux source code directory.

ü     Apply the patch -# patch -p1 < patch file name.

ü     Do kernel configuration -# make config / menuconfig / xconfig

ü     Enable CONFIG_KDB, CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER, Disable CONFIG_KDB_OFF in kernel hacking section

ü     Build the image with #make

ü     Install modules –#make modules_install

ü     Install kernel -#make install

ü     Press pause/break key to enter debug mode.


md <VADDR>           Display memory contents-> Addr HEX ASCII (8Lx4xDW)

mdr <VADDR>        <BYTES> Display Raw memory -> HEX only(no CR/CF)

mds <VADDR>        Display memory symbolically -> Addr HEX ASCII(8LxDW)

mm <VADDR>           <CONTENTS> modify Memory content -> modify 1 DW only.

id <VADDR>           Display instructions -> Interprets the contents as machine language and prints DIS ASM code (16 Instr)

go [<VADRR>]      Continue execution

rd                                 Display registers. ->Displays the contents of the registers



rm <REG> <CONTENT> Modify registers.

Ef                                display exception frame

bt [<VADDR>]           Stack traceback EBP, EIP, Functions (args)

btp <pid>                    Display stack for process<pid>

bta                               Display stack all process.

env                              Show environment variables (PROMPT,MORPROMPT,RADIX,



set                               Set environment variables


help                             Display help message.

?                                  Display help message

cpu <CPUNUM>        Switch to new CPU.

Ps                                Display active task list.

reboot                          Reboot the machine immediately

(proper shutting down will not be done)

lsmod                          List loaded kernel modules.

rmmod <modname>   Remove a kernel module.

bp [<VADDR>]          Set/Display breakpoints.

bl [<VADDR>]           Display breakpoints.

bpa [<VADDR>]        Set/Display global break points.

bph [<VADDR>]        Set hardware break points.

bpha [<VADDR>]      Set global hardware break points.

bc <bpnum>                clear break point.

be <bpnum>                Enable break point.

bd <bpnum>               Disable break point .

ss [<#steps>]              Single step.

ssb                               Single step to branch/ call.



Break points


A break point makes your program stop whenever a certain point in the program is reached.


bp [<VADDR>]          Set/Display breakpoints.

bl [<VADDR>]           Display breakpoints.

bpa [<VADDR>]        Set/Display global break points.

bph [<VADDR>]        Set hardware break points.

bpha [<VADDR>]      Set global hardware break points.

bc <bpnum>                clear break point.

be <bpnum>                Enable break point.

bd <bpnum>               Disable break point .




go [<VADRR>]          Continue execution

ss [<#steps>]              Single step

Ssb                              Single step to branch/ call


To execute instructions until it encounters a branch condition (in this case, instruction jne):


[0]kdb> ssb

0xc0105355 default_idle+0x25: cli

0xc0105356 default_idle+0x26: mov0x14(%edx),%eax

0xc0105359 default_idle+0x29: test %eax, %eax

0xc010535b default_idle+0x2b: jne0xc0105361 default_idle+0x31





A backtrace is a summary of how your program got where it is. It  shows one line per frame, for many frames, starting with the currently executing frame(frame 0), followed by its caller(frame 1), and on up the stack.


ef                                 Display exception frame

bt [<VADDR>]           Stack tracebackEBP, EIP, Functions (args)

btp <pid>                    Display stack for process <pid>

bta                               Display stack all process.



Examining Memory


md <VADDR>                        Display memory contents-> AddrHEX ASCII (8Lx4xDW)

mdr <VADDR> <BYTES>    Display Raw memory -> HEX only(no CR/CF)

mds <VADDR>                                  Display memory symbolically -> AddrHEX ASCII(8LxDW)

mm <VADDR> <CONTENTS> modify Memory content -> modify 1 DW only.



To display 15 lines of memory starting at 0xc000000:

[0]kdb> md0xc000000 15

To change the contents of memory location 0xc000000 to 0x10:

[0]kdb> mm 0xc000000 0x10





rd                                             Display registers ->Displays the contents of the registers



rm <REG> <CONTENT>       Modify registers.



To display the general register set:

[0]kdb> rd


To set the contents of register ebxto 0x25:

[0]kdb> rm%ebx0x25


Display instructions

id <VADDR>              Display instructions -> Interprets the contents as machine language and prints DIS ASM code (16 Instr)



To disassemble instructions starting from the routine schedule

The number of lines displayed depends on the environment

variable IDCOUNT:

[0]kdb> id schedule



Tip #1


In KDB, typing an address at the prompt returns its nearest symbol match. This is extremely useful in stack analysis and in determining the addresses/values of global data and function addresses. Similarly, typing the name of a symbol returns its virtual address.



To indicate that the function sys_readstarts at address 0xc013db4c:

[0]kdb> 0xc013db4c

0xc013db4c = 0xc013db4c (sys_read)


Similarly, to indicate that sys_writeis at address 0xc013dcc8:

[0]kdb> sys_write

sys_write= 0xc013dcc8 (sys_write)


Tip #2


The bph and bpha commands can be used (provided the architecture supports use of hardware registers) to apply read and write breakpoints. This means we can get control whenever data is read from or written into a particular address. This can be extremely handy when debugging data/memory corruption problems, where you can use it to identify the corrupting code/process.



To enter the kernel debugger whenever four bytes are written

into address 0xc0204060:

[0]kdb> bph0xc0204060 dataw4

To enter the kernel debugger when at least two bytes of data starting at 0xc000000 are read:

[0]kdb> bph0xc000000 datar 2